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The content of this website, services or trainings offered are intended as coaching materials to be used by consumers wanting services through www.susanfarling.com. They are not substitute for face to face psychotherapy or counseling or medical attention; nor are intended to be a substitute for or against the advice of attending psychotherapists, psychologists, psychiatrists or medical doctors.

While the services, practices and exercises on this website  and offered by the website owner, Susan Farling, may be useful, the author/owner does not intend to present specific psychological, emotional or medical advice. The successful outcome of the practices, exercises and services is entirely dependent on the efforts and resources of the consumer of the practices, exercises and services. The consumer releases and disavows any claim to liablity for use of these materials and services.

Every effort was made to ensure that the information on this website was correct when published, including correct acknowledgements and accurate internet addresses, the owner of the website does not assume and hereby disclaims any liability to any party for any changes after publication, or any loss, damage, or disruption caused by errors or omissions, whether such errors or omissions result from negligence, accident, or any other cause. Any errors or omissions will be gratefully acknowledged and corrected.